After finally feeling like I had my legs under me at the Canada Cup at Hardwood Ski and Bike (despite a bit of a lackluster result - I promise that I can do better), I got back to Kingston to relax for a day and then put in a solid training block before a trip that I've got planned to Quebec for Nationals and a Canada Cup. Days off, in my opinion are the perfect time to do other cool stuff, like rock climbing, running, swimming, the usual. I had an epic time rock climbing, finishing it all off with a core routine on the rings that makes people look like this:
Does anyone else want me to start an album of this man working out? |
So Tuesday comes along, I've got a solid training plan for 3 weeks mapped out (thanks Andrew at
AWI Coaching), and boom! Unmanageable amounts of pain through my lower back and down my legs. Turns out that I've screwed up a disk in my spine, which has bulged out of my back and is pinching my sciatic nerve. Since then I haven't really walked much, avoided carrying anything anywhere, and not been biking at all. My face looks like that if I get out of bed now. The last two days I've been out of the house and going to campus, I just take regular breaks and lie down lots! I've gotten to physio, and I've got some stretches that should encourage the disk to go back to where it belongs. It does suck to take time off and lie in bed for 2 weeks, but I'll be back in peak shape quickly after my back fixes itself - staying positive is the trick here.
If anybody has any advice for sciatic nerve problems and blown disks I would love any input that I can get! See y'all soon.
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