Well, it's been a while – probably close to the
longest period of time that I've spent since creating my blog that I
haven't updated it, and for good reason! Last post described my life
in Algonquin, which was great! I have since got back to the same
nomadic lifestyle of spending a week here, a few days there, working
and trying to keep fit – but with a difference – in January I'm
settling down. Settling down for two years! I'll be living in
Kingston, ON doing my Master's in Civil Engineering at Queen's
University. That's right Mike and Dave, two more years of University
Cup racing, and now I can harass the Queen's University team from the
inside. I'm super stoked to be working with the Queen's team.
But I can't forget where I came from
Because Guelph Cycling are the classiest folks I know
I'll have to teach the Queen's team a bit about cheering
And I'll never forget the first time we won the University Cup
And I'll always miss Moe Hill repeats
Before I get too lost in nostalgia and start crying I'll finish with saying who wouldn't want to be part of such a good looking team?
And of course excited for cross training with this guy